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?? No passado dia 23 de julho, os alunos do 9.º Ano do Instituto Duarte de Lemos realizaram a sua primeira certificação da Cambridge Assessment English, na Universidade de Engenharia do Porto.
Os resultados foram agora publicados, e as ????́???? ??̃? ??????????, ???? ????? ????? ????????? ?? ????? ??????????? ??????? ????, ????? ??% ?????? ?????? ? ??́??? ?? ??????????̧?̃? ????? ?? ???????? ???? ? ??? ?????, ??????̧???? ???? ??. MUITOS PARABÉNS! ??
?? On the 23rd of July, the Instituto Duarte de Lemos students from Year 9 did their first certification from Cambridge Assessment English, at the Engineering University, in Oporto. The results were now released and we have excellent news as all of them passed the Preliminary English Test, having 89% of them achieved the certification level above the target of the exam, reaching CEFR B2. CONGRATULATIONS! ??